Common Issues
Last updated
Last updated
If you are getting any errors from these scripts: HandPoseAreaEditor.cs, GrabPoseEditor.cs, GrabPoseRadiusEditor.cs. These should be deleted. They replaced with a new script in the latest version, and if the meta data has changed the package manager might miss deleting them.
If you have followed the โกQuick Start guide and your VR isn't launching try:
Restart Unity
Restart Your Computer
Under Edit/Project Settings/Xr Plugin-Management try enabling different packages
The default materials included in Auto Hand are from the classic pipeline, this can easily be fixed, by updating these materials with the click of a button.
In order to get the demo scene working in HDRP or UDP all you need to do is find and click the button in Edit > Render Pipeline > Update Materials
Note: The included highlight material will only work with the base pipeline, there are much better highlight materials on the asset store and online that I would recommend
Inspector can be very expensive (the inspector gets additional redraws when in VR), so it is strongly recommended that you clear or hide your inspector in play mode to reduce editor lag and especially make sure you aren't selecting a hand or grabbable gameobject in the editor while in VR play mode
If you have followed the โกQuick Start guide and your VR isn't launching try:
Confirm you have a ๐ฎHand Controller Link connected to each hand
Check grabbable layers on the Hand are set to "Nothing" or "Grabbable", or your custom layer setup
Under Edit/Project Settings/Xr Plugin-Management try enabling different packages
The recommended means of getting the fingers to bend is using โFinger Bender Components, alternatively, you can enable the "Grip Axis" on the Hand Controller Link to bend every finger through one axis
There is currently a bug with Unity and some devices that will cause the hands to render differently in each eye when interacting with certain grabbables when using multi-pass in your VR settings.
You can fix this by going to XR Plugin Management, selecting your input type, and changing the Render Mode from Multi-pass to Single Pass instanced
This is likely because the Break Force on the Grabbable is too low for the mass/speed of the hand and the object when grabbing. Turn this value up or adjust the hands/objects mass. This can also be because your reach distance is higher than your max follow distance on the hand.
The Majority of jitters are caused by Unity Physics not being precise enough. To correct this, you can increase the quality of the physics in the Physics Settings.
Default Solver Iterations and Default Solver Velocity Iterations should be increased, values above 100 yield very good results.
If Grabbables are jittering when being pulled apart by both hands reducing the break force so it breaks before jittering starts
Grabbables Rigidbody mass and drag will also affect jitter, objects of small mass and low drag are likely to wiggle more than objects of near-equal mass to the hand. Strongly recommend making small size/mass objects one-handed grab only.
If you are using a custom inspector (like Odin) and cannot see the Save buttons, you can try using the context menu as an alternative by right-clicking the hand component
Make sure your Hand's "Pose Index" value matches, the grabbable Pose's "Pose Index" value