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The Stabber component will be able to stab any Stabbable that enters its capsule collider trigger with a matching stab index. Joint settings are based on Configurable Joint settings
Stabber goes on a grabbable and creates a joint with a Stabbable when it overlaps the Stab Capsule
Stab Capsule
is determines the trigger able of the stabber. This capsule must actively overlap a stabbable to trigger and maintain a stab
Stabbable Layers
the physics layer that stabbing can occur on. If set to nothing will default to grabbable
Stab Index
must match the stab index on the stabbable to activate stabbing
Max Stabs
the maximum stabs at once this stabber can perform
Joint Settings
these determine the settings of the generated Configurable Joint on stab
represents the how far the stabber can go into a stabbable
Position Dampening Multiplier
how much force is required to push this object through the stabbable
Rotation Dampening Multiplier
how much force is required to rotate this object through the stabbable
Stab Index
must match the stab index on the stabbable to activate stabbing
Max Stabs
the maximum stabs at once this stabber can perform
Position Dampener
how much force is required to push this object through the stabbable
Rotation Dampener
how much force is required to rotate this object through the stabbable
Parent On Stab
whether or not to parent this object to the player when stabbed to create a smooth movement with the player/teleportation. Should be enabled for small dynamic objects, disabled for large or static objects