๐ŸŽฎController Input

Auto Hand does not directly create any controller inputs but instead includes "link" components that convert the controller events from whichever input system you're using into an Auto Hand event.

Strongly recommend learning more about the input system you're using for advanced input functionality

Hand Input

Manages the controller input for hand grab/release triggers and the squeeze/unsqueeze events

Finger Bending Input

Manages controller input bending individual fingers

Offset will adjust the bend of the given fingers by the offset amount percent 0-1.

  • Example if the index offset is 1 the index finger will bend fully when that controller input is triggered


Player Movement Input

Manages input for the Auto Hand Player movement and turning axis

Distance Grabbing Input

Manages input for the Hand Distance Pointer's start/stop pointing and start/stop selection functions

Teleport Input

Manages controller input for the Teleporter Pointer component

Input Event / UI Event

A general script with a Unity Event attached to a controller action


Hand Tracking Input

Manages the controller input for hand grab/release triggers and the squeeze/unsqueeze events

Coming Soon

Last updated