

Smash component needs to go onto a rigidbody object which you want to make smashable

Smash Force is the force required from the hit of a Smasher rigidbody to trigger the On Smash event

Destroy on Smash whether or not to destroy this object on smash

Effect whether or not to create a particle effect on smash

Create New Effect whether it should create a copy of the effect or trigger a local effect

Apply Velocity On Smash whether or not to apply the local velocity of the smash object on smash


Smasher component needs to go onto a rigidbody. This component will trigger the rigidbodies with the Smash component when it's velocity * force multi meets the Smash's smash force

Force Multi higher force multiplier will decrease the amount of speed a smasher needs to trigger the smash object

Center of Mass Point is where the velocity of the object is calculated. Example, place an empty object at the center of the hammer head to get better smashing results

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