โ˜๏ธFinger Component

Finger components should be placed on the knuckle of each finger on your skeleton. This component contains the open/closed pose data for the hand and it manages the finger bending/stopping algorithm for generating automatic poses.

Tip this is a transform that represents the finger tip position of this finger

Tip Radius the radius of the finger tip bumper

Bend Offset this will add to the current finger bend: 0 is no bend, 0.5 is half bend, 1 is full bend

Smooth Speed Decrease for slower finger movement, Increase for snappier finger movement.

Finger Bending

Individual finger bending input can be managed through the various Finger Bender scripts, examples of which can be found under the root of the examples hands, attached to the Finger Bender Object

Depending on the input package you choose in the โšกSetup

Offset will adjust the bend of the given fingers by the offset amount percent 0-1.

  • Example if the index offset is 1 the index finger will bend fully when that controller input is triggered


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