Hand Touch / Trigger
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Hand Touch Events work by adding this component to the root of any rigidbody and these events will get called when the hand(s) begin/end collision touching an object. This component reacts to solid collision with the hand (OnCollisionEnter), use the Hand Trigger Area for objects reacting within a trigger collider
One Handed
Whether or not this touch object can only be interacted with one hand at at time
Hand Type
which hand(s) are allowed to activate this touch event
Hand Start Touch
will trigger when no hands are touching this and one hand starts touching this
Hand Stop Touch
will trigger when all hands are no longer touching this
Hand Trigger Area Events work by adding this component to the root of any rigidbody and these events will get called when the hand(s) begin/end entering an objects trigger area, but this will also track grab and squeeze events while the hand is inside the trigger area
One Handed
Whether or not this touch object can only be interacted with one hand at at time
Hand Type
which hand(s) are allowed to activate this touch event
Exit Trigger Release
if the hand is holding the trigger while it leaves the area, should the trigger release event be called even if the trigger wasn't released
Exit Trigger Unsqueeze
if the hand is holding the trigger while it leaves the area, should the trigger release event be called even if the trigger wasn't unsqueezed
Hand Enter
triggers when a hand enters this trigger area
Hand Exit
triggers when a hand exits this trigger area
Hand Grab
triggers when the hand grabs while in this trigger area
Hand UnGrab
triggers when the hand release while in this trigger area (or exits with Exit Trigger release enabled)
Hand Squeeze
triggers when the hand squeezes while in this trigger area
Hand Unsqueeze
triggers when the hand unsqueezes while in this trigger area (or exits with Exit Trigger Unsqueeze enabled)