โ๏ธGrabbable Held Joint
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This component can be used to create a stable held joint within a single rigidbody structure. An object made out of multiple colliders with the same rigidbody and a different grabbable component on each collider, can use this held joint to create a linear joint that is only active when being held.
This is generally much more stable than a traditional Rigidbody joint and does not run into issues when being forced into static surfaces. Good for things like the slide on a gun
(For an example check the slide on the rifle in the demo)
Connected Grabbable
The grabbable that this grabbable is connected to
Pivot Offset
Offsets the center of this joint
Held Mass Scale
This will multiply the hands strength while holding this grabbable to give it more or less positional priority while holding this joint as a second hand (good to reduce when you dont want this joint having movement priority while being held)
Max Limit
The maximum distance this joint is allowed to move in the local positive axis
Min Limit
The maximum distance this joint is allowed to move in the local negativeaxis
This will force the joint back into its center position based on the given spring strength while not being held along this axis
Event Offset
The percentage from the min/max distance needed to trigger the event, good for creating a buffer for the event to trigger slightly before the max range to help prevent missed event