

The teleporter will teleport a teleport object to a point designated by an aimer transform and a distance strength/multiplier.

If the teleport object is empty it will automatically find the Auto Hand Player in the scene and use that instead

Teleport Settings

Teleport Object The transform to teleport to the aimers hit point on teleport

Additional Teleports will teleport these objects along with the teleport object

Aim Settings

Aimer the pointer object. Should be a transform under the hand or controller. Put it under the hand where the finger is to have the teleport arch coming from the finger tip

Layer the layers allowed to teleport on

Max Surface Angle the maximum allowed surface angle to teleport on in degrees

Distance Multiplier the distance of the arch

Curve Strength the downward force applied to the teleport arch

Line required line renderer for the arch

Can Teleport Color the color for the line arch if hitting a viable teleport spot

Can Teleport Color the color for the line arch if hitting an invalid teleport spot

Indicator is an object to represent the teleport point that will be set to the line arch hit position or hidden if no hit is happening


Teleport Input

Manages controller input for the Teleporter Pointer component

Last updated